Thursday, January 30, 2020

Kudler Fine Foods & Cardiff Seaside Market Analysis Essay Example for Free

Kudler Fine Foods Cardiff Seaside Market Analysis Essay In this paper I will talk about Kudler Fine Foods and Cardiff Seaside Market and since both the businesses are direct competitors of one another, I would compare and contrast the two businesses in order to analyze the areas where one falls short from the other.   Kudler Fine Foods is a gourmet grocery store that targets the upscale customers for whom time constraint is a big issue as the store enables the customers to buy their desired products at one go. It is based on Southern California and it operates in three locations in San Diego in La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas. Kudler Fine Foods was founded by Kathy Kudler in 1998 who felt that traveling all the way out of the town only for the purpose of purchasing grocery items and ingredients used in cooking is tiring and to crater to this problem, she came up with the initiative of one stop shopping. The five main departments that Kudler Fine Foods is divided into are mentioned below. Fresh bakery and pastries Fresh produce Fresh meat and seafood Condiments and packaged foods Cheeses and specialty dairy products One thing that has to be noted about Kudler Fine Foods is that they do not just sell the ingredients that are used by people while cooking meals but they sell home cooked meals as well and this eases the cooking efforts. (University of Phoenix, 2007). Cardiff Seaside Market is one of the biggest competitors of Kudler Fine Foods and it was formed in 1985. It does not just offer top-notch quality products to the customers but it also provides them with excellent services. It is a family owned and operated business and the management promises to create excellence in every department. Cardiff Seaside Market has a chain of stores that offers a variety of items that includes food items and they also sell other things such as floral items and gifts. The items and services that Cardiff Seaside Market offers to its customers are mentioned below. (Cardiff Seaside Market, n.d.). 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Catering 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cheese 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cuisine and bakery 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Floral and gifts 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Meat and sea food 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Produce 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wine 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gluten free products When we compare the home pages of the websites of both the businesses, it is much evident that the offerings of Cardiff Seaside Market outnumber that of Kudler Fine Foods. Both the businesses offer the customers to buy cheese and dairy products, cuisine and bakery items, meat and sea food, wine and produce. However, Cardiff Seaside Market also offers catering services and gluten free products and free healthy recipes. Cardiff Seaside Market is a family oriented business while Kudler Fine Foods was founded by a lady named Kathy Kudler who realized that travelling to the town to buy kitchen items was tiring. Further talking about the home page, I would say that since Kudler Fine Foods is owned by a lady, not much innovations and new strategies are being used to improve the business operations but Cardiff Seaside Market offers special food items on daily basis and they have also given their weekly special. Besides this, the reward card of Cardiff Seaside Market offers the customers the opportunity to earn rewards up to 3%. Complimentary Healthy Grocery Store Tours are also offered by Cardiff Seaside Market where the customers get to know about all kinds of information related to nutrition. Since the expert has studied dietary theories and clinical aspects of health and nutrition, the customers can get to know about their queries and about the way they can live healthier lives. Moreover, since the programs offered by them are uniquely tailored according to the preferences of the customers, all the health concerns of the individuals are well taken care of. (The Whole Journey, n.d.). Further talking about the sub sections of the websites of both the businesses, they are divided into different parts according to their offerings in which the details of the offerings are mentioned. (Hisrich, Peters Shepherd, 2006). The website of Kudler Fine Foods is not available for access to every individual and when you search for it on Google; we are not able to get any such link. However, people can have access to the website through University of Phoenix but they need a username and password for that. Therefore, access to the website of Kudler Fine Foods is not easy as it is not public but the website access of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy and convenient as it can be easily found while browsing on the Internet. As I already mentioned about the website access, I would say that the search ability of Cardiff Seaside Market is very easy but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, everyone cannot have access to the website. Further talking about the layout of the websites, Kudler Fine Foods has a very simple website and everything mentioned on the website can be easily found and is easy to read and understand. Same is the case with Cardiff Seaside Market is but they have added some more things other than the basics i.e. their offerings. These new additions that Cardiff Seaside Market has made include the weekly specials, soups of the day and recipes. The graphics of both the websites are fine but the pictures used by Cardiff Seaside Market are not too catchy and so they must be replaced with more lively pictures while Kudler Fine Foods must add some more pictures to keep the interest of the customers. The navigation of the websites is fine and one is easily able to browse the entire website. Although the product display at Cardiff Seaside Market is fine but they should add some more pictures to make them stand out but in the case of Kudler Fine Foods, the website has very less pictures because of which it is a bit boring. The site administration of Kudler Fine Foods is done by Apollo Group and it is being done apart from the other changes that have to be made. On the website of Kudler Fine Foods, there is no option for the customers to pay online but Cardiff Seaside market offers a payment solution to the customers and the customers can order online and they can either pick up their delivery or they can get their orders delivered to their desired address. Once the customers select their desired option, they can choose their pick up date and they also have the facility of ordering seven days before they actually need to collect the order or to get the order delivered. Lastly, the customers can also choose the time at which they find it feasible for them to pick the order or to get it delivered. Reference Cardiff Seaside Market. (n.d.). How May We Serve You? May 12th, 2010.   Retrieved from:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Hisrich, R., Peters, M. Shepherd, D. (2006). Entrepreneurship. 7th Edn. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. The Whole Journey. (n.d.). Holistic nutrition and wellness. May 12th, 2010.   Retrieved from:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ University of Phoenix. (2007). Kudler Fine Foods.   May 12th, 2010.   Retrieved from:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience :: Songs of Innocence and Experience Essays

Songs of Innocence and Experience In William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, the gentle lamb and the dire tiger define childhood by setting a contrast between the innocence of youth and the experience of age. The Lamb is written with childish repetitions and a selection of words which could satisfy any audience under the age of five. Blake applies the lamb in representation of youthful immaculateness. The Tyger is hard-featured in comparison to The Lamb, in respect to word choice and representation. The Tyger is a poem in which the author makes many inquiries, almost chantlike in their reiterations. The question at hand: could the same creator have made both the tiger and the lamb? For William Blake, the answer is a frightening one. The Romantic Period’s affinity towards childhood is epitomized in the poetry of Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience. "Little Lamb who made thee/ Dost thou know who made thee (Blake 1-2)." The Lamb’s introductory lines set the style fo r what follows: an innocent poem about a amiable lamb and it’s creator. It is divided into two stanzas, the first containing questions of whom it was who created such a docile creature with "clothing of delight (Blake 6)." There are images of the lamb frolicking in divine meadows and babbling brooks. The stanza closes with the same inquiry which it began with. The second stanza begins with the author claiming to know the lamb’s creator, and he proclaims that he will tell him. Blake then states that the lamb’s creator is none different then the lamb itself. Jesus Christ is often described as a lamb, and Blake uses lines such as "he is meek and he is mild (Blake 15)" to accomplish this. Blake then makes it clear that the poem’s point of view is from that of a child, when he says "I a child and thou a lamb (Blake 17)." The poem is one of a child’s curiosity, untainted conception of creation, and love of all things celesti al. The Lamb’s nearly polar opposite is The Tyger. It’s the difference between a feel-good minister waxing warm and fuzzy for Jesus, and a fiery evangelist preaching a hellfire sermon. Instead of the innocent lamb we now have the frightful tiger- the emblem of nature red in tooth and claw- that embodies experience. William Blake’s words have turned from heavenly to hellish in the transition from lamb to tiger.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

English Learning Methods Essay

Although most people can realize the importance of English in modern life. Mastering English is quite difficult for them, Why? Because they don’t find out a suitable way to learn. I state you about the way to learn English I think it is the best. It is combination of two factors: learning inside the class and learning outside the class. Learning inside the class is very necessary for learners for experience, a good environment for practicing and motivation of studying. Firstly, you should take part fully in class to get knowledge from teachers who can share their valuable experiences for studying English with us, and they also give comment or feed back about your mistakes if you have , they can explain about what you don’t understand the English lessons. Second, class is good environment for studying, is where we can communicate with your friends in English and check your knowledge level, beside when you learn inside the class, you have competition with others, which make you have more motivation for studying but joining in class every day isn’t still enough time for your practice to become a good learner. You should spend more time on practicing yourself at home. Learning English outside is also important. You can study English online at home with threes reasons: not spend much fees, have suitable lesson for each person and have more interesting for lessons. First learning English online at home, which decrease fees for us and don’t much time for moving, second there are many kinds of lesson which are suitable with each learner’s level, there are courses for beginners, both adults and children, as well as more advanced courses for those who work their way up through the lessons. The advanced lessons are also suitable for those who do have the basics of the English language and want to increase their skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing. Thirdly, having many funny activities from English online course. It makes learners more interesting for studying. For example, play funny games such as play cards, puzzle, crossword, or hangman. Moreover, you can watch English film, listen to English news, read English newspaper or chat with native speakers. Many people have the idea that learning English is a difficult process. In fact, the opposite is true and the language is really easy to learn if you spend time on practicing it everyday with above method. You will become a good learner English.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Are Icebergs Made of Freshwater or Saltwater

Icebergs form from a variety of processes, yet even though they may be found floating in salty seawater, they are primarily made of freshwater. Icebergs form as a result of two main processes, producing a freshwater iceberg: Ice that forms from freezing seawater typically freezes slowly enough that it forms crystalline water (ice), which does not have room for salt inclusions. These ice floes are not truly icebergs, but they can be extremely large chunks of ice. Ice floes typically result when the polar ice breaks up in the springtime.Icebergs are calved, or form when a piece of a glacier or other land-based ice sheet breaks off. The ​glacier is made from compacted snow, which is freshwater.